Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Night like this...

tonight is a New Moon. i got my period today. when my cycle aligns with a Moon phase I'm always so honoured. i asked the sky why they took Her from me and heard nothing. all i saw was a little star, a bright one, so far away in the distance...  it just said "Hello:)", so i spoke to it for a little while. i spoke to Her and i realized, She was in my womb safe and warm. She was nourished by my food, my thoughts, and my words the whole time. my surroundings were Hers and not always the exact, or anywhere near! exact way i wanted them to be. Now look at me sitting here on my porch... waiting, growing, reacting to my environment(for the most part a completely shitty one) yet held safe and protected by the sky(i hope) and in Her Womb; The Earth. i reside in Her. She looks down on Me now and nurtures Me instead. i grow inside Her Womb now. Amazing! I've changed. Im changing and i hope for  a better future and a more positive direction. because i never knew just where the hell i was going. but with Her i did. without Her i'm more lost than ever. . . as i squat down and pick up the pieces i look to the Sky, i look for the Moon, i ask for protection, a serene direction.. and for something much more than this...

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